Operation Moving Traffic

Today I announced a new initiative, Operation Moving Traffic, that will assess and 
deliver opportunities to improve travel times across our road network. 

Studies show that weekday travel speeds for cars and truck haves slowed by more than 8% in that last 10 years.  This is mainly due to the more than 20 percent increase in the number of vehicles on our roads. There are now 1.7 million vehicles, motorcycles and trailers on South Australian roads – an increase of almost 300,000 in just 10 years. 

The State Government will streamline the movement of traffic through Adelaide’s arterial road 
network in a series of measures designed to deliver faster and more reliable travel times and we want your input. 

Operation Moving Traffic was a $1.7 million State Budget investment to develop a series of 
initiatives to reduce congestion and improve traffic flows including: 
●  Better co-ordination of our traffic lights 
●  Ensuring roadworks are scheduled to minimise impacts on traffic 
●  Implementing traffic management plans that minimise the use and length of reduced speed zones around roadworks 
●  Better prioritising our arterial roads during peak hour 
●  Investigating the towing of cars parked in clearways 
●  Minimising lane restrictions caused by construction projects next to roads 
●  Better informing motorists of faster routes

The Government wants to talk to the hundreds of thousands of South Australians who use the road every day and get their views on what else we could do to get a better run on our roads.  

Feedback can be provided via www.yoursay.sa.gov.au/operation-moving-traffic until September 1st.  

Alternatively, please feel free to contact my office to share your views and comments, or if you have any questions regarding Operation Moving Traffic