Seniors Information Expo
I was pleased to help deliver the 2015 Seniors Information Expo in partnership with the Hon. Mark Butler MP, Federal Member for Port Adelaide and the Hon. Susan Close MP, local Member for Port Adelaide. The event was held at the Waterside Workers Hall on Friday 20th February for residents living on the Le Fevre Peninsula over the age of 60. Despite the warm weather over 200 people attended the Expo to hear from the Hon. Zoe Bettison MP Minister for Ageing and the Energy and Water Ombudsman along with a number of other guest speakers. After the speeches attendees were offered the chance to browse the stalls of over 30 community groups from any number of activities, membership and advice.
Due to the overwhelming success of this year’s Expo, we are looking at turning this event into an annual occurrence.I will also be holding a number of forums on various topic over the coming months throughout the electorate. Please keep an eye on the upcoming events page of our website for all the details.